11 Year Wedding Anniversary

Today marks our 11-year wedding anniversary! I am incredibly grateful for Becca and her family’s impact on me over the years. I would not have developed some of the better qualities I possess without Becca’s guidance, support, and influence in my life. I am honored to see firsthand how Becca’s hard work, grace under pressure, and love for serving others both in her life and work is evident wherever she is present. I can’t wait to see how that unfolds further in the coming year.

Thank you to all of you who have spent time, energy and resources towards investing in us and our marriage. In Becca’s and my worldview as Christians, in marriage we’re trying to become a more faithful representation of the covenant between Jesus and His (imperfect) church. We would not be at this milestone without the wisdom and generosity of others who pressed in and cared for us to help us steward our marriage well. We’re compelled to be intentional about what it means to pay it forward, and support, care and love for others in the same way we have been looked out for so far.

If you’re curious, please find our wedding videos – there’s a short highlight version below and a full version here.