Are Board Games Good for Your Mental Health?

I wanted to showcase this meaningful thought piece by Rodney Smith of Watch It Played about whether board games are a boon or bane as it comes to our mental health. I appreciate many of the nuanced points shared, including even addressing some ways that a board game session could sometimes not be necessarily a place of rest or relaxation for some.

That said, Rodney makes the case that at least for him and some of his peers, the hobby of board gaming provides a net positive. I found the part at the 2:00 minute mark to be most relatable. I agree that the setting of a board game session provides a space of mutual consensus, a set of clearly defined criteria, and an environment for collaboration (even if the game itself is competitive). As Rodney notes, this space can be a much-needed space of rest compared to the often-chaotic world we find ourselves in where a lot of the details can be murky.

Please watch the whole talk if you find the subject interesting. If you ever want to connect and play a board game with me and Becca, feel free to book a time with us here, either an in-person meetup, or an online one.